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AEP Consultants Pty Ltd


AEP Consultants Pty Ltd
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The THINK Principal

A great lesson for emergency responders as 99% of our workload is routine, boring and mundane. But, this is where the opportunities hide in plain sight. When we communicate to our peers this is a worthy method to inspire, teach, support and of...
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Andrew Palacios
Andrew Palacios @Andy

Advancing Despite Adversity: Lessons from Tully

This photo captures my recon patrol after the infamous Exercise True Grit. I believe this exercise is essential for soldiers to develop their discipline, leadership, teamwork, and resilience amidst the challenging terrain and demanding conditions of...
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Advancing Resilience for Emergency Services

This week marked a significant milestone with the first-ever Level 5 training block in the professional development pathway for Rio Tinto Emergency Responders. The HART Certification program was the first course in this advanced training,...
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Bridging Resilience and Leadership in Emergency Response

Over the weekend, during the Level 5 training block, I had the opportunity to observe and provide feedback during ERGT’s Lead Emergency Teams (LET) course. This course is designed to train and assess individuals responsible for evaluating...
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Andrew Palacios


Andrew Palacios
