Sharing our knowledge to grow community.
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Jesse McNeilly


Jesse McNeilly

Sharing quality content will change our industry

One purposeful interaction at a time… Did you know? 1. Rescue Connect has over 10% of its users logging in daily. Yet less than 5% of those users post in a given week (typical in social media - but this isn’t just social media). 2. Most people...
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Mental Health Resource, Phoenix Australia

A good resource for heath and wellness. Excerpt: Despite the lack of direct evidence relating to peer support programs, an emerging body of evidence shows that boosting and protecting social support can increase an individual’s capacity to deal...
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Peer Support Guidelines - Phoenix Australia

The THINK Principal

A great lesson for emergency responders as 99% of our workload is routine, boring and mundane. But, this is where the opportunities hide in plain sight. When we communicate to our peers this is a worthy method to inspire, teach, support and of...
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Morning PT 💪🏽

Pool session THEME: Communication & Teamwork WARM UP: static running, upper and lower body stretches, x2 warm up laps of the pool followed by introduction and briefing. EXERCISE: Multiple rounds of working in teams taking weights and people from...
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