Sharing our knowledge to grow community.

Jesse McNeilly


Jesse McNeilly


G’day, My name is Jesse McNeilly, I’m 39 and I’m the founder of Rescue Connect. I come from a variety of backgrounds linked to my industrial rescue career of over 14 years now. Starting back in 2010 in Queensland I had an opportunity to carry out works in the industrial emergency field at a hard rock mine and fell in love with it. Prior to that I was in both the full time and reserve army in a combat role. This took me overseas on deployment to both Timor Lesté (x2) and Afghanistan (x1), 2006 - 2008. Having joined at 16, I discharged from the regular army at 23 and remained in the army reserves since then. I wish to stay in this position as long as I can if I’m ever needed to defend Australia and its national interests. I’ve worked in many roles such as: Business owner (Safe Response), auditor, trainer, disaster response, fire and safety inspections, drafting plans and documents to name a few. My academic background streams over several areas, having completed a Masters Degree in Disaster and Emergency Response through ECU in 2019. I’m fascinated with human performance and leadership optimisation in order to create and utilise best practice to build functional emergency responders in our industry. My work in also extends offshore to places such as: The USA, Nepal, The Cook Islands, Fiji, Vietnam, North Macedonia, Poland, Afghanistan, Ukraine and others. Rescue Connect Mentor Mentor Capabilities: - Emergency Response and Rescue Management and Reform - ERT Capability and Preparedness coach - Leadership Training program developer - Research and innovations in Industrial Rescue - Training all Cert III UoC’s Background and Interests summary: - 14 Years Current Medical Emergency Services Officer - 13 Years Current Emergency Response and Rescue Instructor - Author and public speaker - Sailing, travel, geopolitics, STEM, NLP and thoughtful spirituality for elite performance I’m here because we need more connection in our industry and quality spaces to connect and grow. This is what can help to save lives; community, passion, growth and knowledge. We need to move away from institutional thinking by inspiring better pathways to new knowledge through shared growth. Training and leadership is my passion because we learn with our colleagues. I’m looking forward to connecting with you!

Years in industry


Full time paid rescue worker?


My current rescue role is:

Relief MESO, Trainer & Consultant in Perth and abroad (65 sites and counting!)

Qualifications and Experience

Advanced First Aid, Firefighting, Certificate III Mines Rescue, Underground Rescue and BA, Certtificate II Emergency Medical Service First Response, Certificate IV Pre-Hospital Care, Certificate IV Training & Assessment, Confined Space Rescue, Vertical Rescue, Road Crash Rescue, HAZMAT, Wild Firefighting, Drive Under Operational Conditions, Drug & Alcohol Screening, Certificate IV WHS, Diploma WHS, Masters Disaster & Emergency Response, Remote Medic, Tactical Medic, Disaster Response Team, COVID Awareness, AIIMS Awareness, Safety Specalist, ICAM, Backpacker Medics Member, Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defense, Military Veteran, Operations Manager, Personal Trainer, Rescue Industry Service Provider, Wildland Firefighting, Leadership Coach / Trainer

Looking for paid work?


Volunteer Rescue Worker?



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