AEP Consultants Pty Ltd @AndrewP
Advancing Despite Adversity: Lessons from Tully
Advancing Despite Adversity: Lessons from Tully
This photo captures my recon patrol after the infamous Exercise True Grit. I believe this exercise is essential for soldiers to develop their discipline, leadership, teamwork, and resilience amidst the challenging terrain and demanding conditions of the Tully training area in far North Queensland. Many of us in this picture would later go on to serve in Special Operations Command, both East and West.
When we teach resilience, we define it as "advancing despite adversity." Looking at this photo, I feel we truly embodied that concept. Tully was just one of many tools used to test our resilience. Now that I've left the defence force, finding ways to build and test resilience takes on different forms.
As veterans transition to civilian roles, fields like mining offer unique opportunities. The skills and resilience developed in the military can align well with careers in this sector.
Here's a question to consider: How do you build and test your own resilience?
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