Ben Church @Churchy
CPR Refresher Training
CPR Refresher Training
Being better at the BASICS is what separates a good rescue from a great rescue.
Key message:
Revisit ANZCOR Guidelines and book in a CPR Refresher with our trusted local RTO providers (ones that you see at Rescue Competitions are usually good).
Interesting variations:
For the older crowd, the 30:2 vs 15:2 ratio changes often based on the latest health advice. Something we as rescuers should be on top of.
Under the Basic Life Support Guideline 8 - CPR
"ANZCOR suggests a compression–ventilation ratio of 30:2 compared with any other compression–ventilation ratio in people in cardiac arrest.1 [CoSTR 2015, weak recommendation, low-certainty evidence] Compressions must be paused to allow for ventilations
However, our more skilled rescuers out there should know under Guideline 12.2 – Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS):
"Rescuers trained in PALS should use a compression-ventilation ratio of 15:2 for each duty cycle. There should be pauses for ventilation (BVM ventilation, SGA ventilation) to allow adequate expansion of the lungs."
Thus, the compression - ventilation ratio can come down to the rescuers' level of and up to date training and the age of the victim.
Nevertheless, any attempt at resuscitation is better than no attempt.
Guideline 8 – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)